Television Academy will be recognizing individuals using their platforms to promote diversity

Slated for May 31, the Television Academy Honors. is recognizing producers. and programs, who "channel the power. of television to advance social change".
This year's sponsors include: Drybar, People, United Airlines, Justin Vineyards & Winery, and Franciacorta.s we know the Television Academy's goal is to create a diverse landscape and this year is no different. Some of the honoeres are: "37 Words", "The Rebellious Life of Rosa Parks", "As We. See It", "Mo", "We're Here", "The US & The Holocaust".
These winners were picked. based on their push to motivate and inspire for social change through. there work. Picked from an array of platforms, fiction, nonfiction, that address civil rights, diversity, inclusion, and our human experience. Also being honored is the hit show on Discovery, produced by A. Smith &. Co., "Black Men", which is being recognized for its thought provoking. social justice influence.