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Writer's pictureFagothethird Franklin

Miss America Celebrates its 99th Anniversary

Atlantic City- The prestigious organization Miss America is celebrating 99 years since it was founded in 1921.

Miss America was started in 1921 by a local business man that wanted to extend tourism until after labor day. At first Miss America was just a bathing beauties pageant, but over the years it turned into an organization that empowered woman to use their platforms to help their communities out in a positive manner.

The Miss America Organization is a nationally recognized non-profit and serves as one of the largest providers of scholarship assistance to young women in the world. “It is truly remarkable to see the Miss America Organization into its 100th year,”  said Shantel Krebs, interim CEO and Board Chair. “Miss America is one of our nation’s most cherished traditions and as we work toward our centennial celebration,  we encourage America to stay tuned.  We have a lot of excitement in store for 2021!”

Recently the traditional way of how Miss America was judged was revised and now the focused went from looks to how the women are viewed in their communities. The Miss America Committee wanted to highlight what women were doing in the world instead of just the appealing phase.

Miss America had to cancel its pageant this year, due to COVID-19, but will be back in 2021.

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