Dolphins Challenge Cancer announces Open Registration and New Ride Distances for DCC XIV

The Miami Dolphins announced open registration for Dolphins Challenge Cancer XIV (DCC XIV). The event will take place Saturday, February 24, 2024, and will mark the 14th edition of the organization’s commitment and support of funding innovative cancer research at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, a part of UHealth – University of Miami Health System.
Following a $75 million commitment to Sylvester in November 2020, the largest known philanthropic pledge in the NFL, the DCC’s 13-year total contribution now stands at $64M which funds the advancement of cancer care through breakthrough science, leading-edge technology and personalized patient care. With 100 percent participant raised funds donated to Sylvester, the DCC’s contributions have gone on to directly impact the South Florida community.
“Reflecting on the success of this past year, we are excited to see what we are able to accomplish for DCC XIV at Hard Rock Stadium on February 24, 2024,” stated Miami Dolphins Challenge Cancer Executive Director, Javier Sanchez. This year, the DCC will bring a fresh take to its previous bike rides with new ride distances, named in honor of Miami Dolphins players in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, including a 13-mile Dan Marino ride, a 39-mile Larry Csonka ride, also a 54-mile Zach Thomas ride, who will be formally enshrined in Canton, Ohio this week, and a 99-mile Jason Taylor ride as well.
The continued success of DCC XIV would not be possible without the efforts of many organizations and partners, most notably Tom Garfinkel of Team Miami Dolphins, Stuart Miller, Eric Feder, Jonathan Jaffe, and Rick Beckwitt of Team Lennar Corporation, Dr. Stephen Nimer and Bippy Siegal of the University of Miami’s Team Hurricanes: Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Adam Carlin of Team Hurricanes: Sylvester Board of Governors, and Jose Dans of Team WOW MKTG, that has supported the DCC XIV by raising over $100K.