Dodgers' foundation changes its name, but have the same purpose
Dodgers RBI has unveiled its new name and logo, Dodgers Dream Team this past week at the foundation's press conference. The Dodgers foundation alongside Dodgers co-owner Earvin "Magic” Johnson, announced the new Dream Team will still be the same program with the same commitment to the community.

“It’s emotional for me. I feel like my 9-year-old baby has graduated! We have a renewed commitment to the community of LA,” said foundation CEO, Nichol T. Whiteman.
The commitment to making sports available to all is just one of many goals the foundation continues to provide, along with educational, health and basic services. The kids-based program has provided services for over 12,000 youth across the community. “I love hearing the incredible stories of these kids,” said retired Dodgers player Adrian Gonzalez.” The foundation has many opportunities for volunteers to sign up for coaching positions and other positions that help keep the foundations work alive and well. With over 85 locations across LA, registration is easier than ever.
After a heartwarming speech by Dream Team participant, Brandy, the new uniforms were unveiled during the ceremony at Dodgers Stadium. The new uniforms add new life to the kid’s program. And as the kids made their way to the stage in the new uniforms, the crowd applauded with excitement. To close the unveiling, Magic and the team took pictures with the kids and encouraged their continued success.